quarta-feira, 5 de maio de 2010

Ahah mais uma tira sobre o Twilight que achei há uns tempos! 9D

My English Homework

Sejamos sinceros, eu nunca iria escrever um poema a não ser que fosse para a escola ou para alguém especial. Portanto, o último tpc de inglês foi responder a umas perguntas sobre nós e responde-las em forma de poema. Então, aqui vai o meu tpc de inglês:

My English Homework:

People who i love being hurt,
Makes me cry.
My biggest dream would be to fly.
Life is a risk and i like to take it
Good moments are what make me laugh
And those are the best thing of my life
Hapiness is a state of spirit
New things interest me
What i really hate is the lack of equality
Machismo is one of the things that upsets me
Why would it be?
Being afraid is what makes me feel most alive
There's no specific time to get my best ideas
I don't know even how it works
I believe that i'm not very curious
This is one of my English Homeworks.